Live a Life of Joy and Purpose

Transformative Therapy Supporting Individuals & Groups

In-Person in Austin and Available Online throughout Texas


You’ve worked so hard to build a good life.

The career. The family. The house. You applied yourself, buckled down, and sacrificed. Even when you had doubts about yourself, you didn’t give up.

And it paid off. You built a career, found a partner, started a family, and made a life for yourself.

From the outside, it looks like you’ve got it all together. A perfect life. Happily ever after.

So why aren’t you happy?

“I should be,” you insist. “Anyone else in my situation would be thrilled.”

But that doesn’t change the fact that you’re simply not. Even with all your successes, it just feels like something is missing.

And you wonder what’s wrong with you that you can’t enjoy what you’ve built.

Living this way is taking a toll on you.

The truth is, sometimes you feel so desperate.

You keep it to yourself because you don’t want to seem ungrateful, but secretly, it gnaws at you all the time.

Restless nights. Constant worry. Perpetual pain in your neck and shoulders. And fantasies of escape.

Nothing seems to work.

You haven’t just taken this lying down.

You’ve tried things people say will help – took up a new hobby, forced yourself to focus on the positive and downplay the negative, practiced gratitude. And they helped.

Until they didn’t.

Sure, other things might work for a bit. But the thought of one more temporary relief feels like a punch in the gut.

Something has to change.

Without trying something different, you can see where this is going.

You’ve seen those old guys trapped in bitterness and regret, lamenting the life that could have been.

You know you don’t want to end up there, but you’re unsure how to make a change.

Don’t give up!

The unhappiness you’re experiencing is your mind and body’s way of sending the message that you’re not living in alignment.

Sometimes, that’s because changes need to be made, and sometimes, it’s because contentment is a skill that needs to be developed. Often, it’s a bit of both.

The good news is that you’re not alone in this – I can help.


Hi, I’m Jason.

Let’s work together to help you learn to sit with your feelings of discontent, understand what they’re trying to tell you, and figure out how to make the necessary changes.

Through our work, we’ll focus on identifying and eliminating the obstacles to your happiness and the drivers of your anxiety and distress.

As a human being, you have a basic birthright to joy, regardless of the difficulties you’re facing.

Together, let’s figure out how you can maintain your connection to it, even when the circumstances of life aren’t ideal.

Call me now, and let’s begin your healing journey today!

More About Me


What I Offer

Individual Therapy

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Group Therapy

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Psychedelic Integration

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Find your joy again.

Don’t wait any longer to get started on the route to joy, contentment, and satisfaction.

Get in touch now, and take the first step toward a better life!

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